How the Instagram Algorithm is Changing in 2022

Curious how your business can stay relevant on Instagram in 2022? Instagram is always changing. It's tough for businesses without social media teams to keep up. Nowadays Instagram can't decide if it wants to be TikTok or if it wants to be the photo sharing platform we all loved.

The bottom line is that Instagram has money to make and they make more of it the more screen time you spend with them. Content in 2022 will have to be engaging and impactful to keep people on the platform longer. If you can offer that, Instagram will deliver your content to more people. Learn to use Instagram to deepen your impact with your audience and get the most out of your social media marketing. Let's dive into how Instagram is changing in 2022.


Instagram used to be the main social media platform for the below 20 crowd. It was the only alternative for users looking to escape their parents on Facebook.

TikTok changed all that.

Funny, quick trends on TikTok grabbed that audience by storm. Instagram had to adapt quickly to get that audience back. That's how we got Instagram Reels.

Reels were created as an answer to TikTok and they have changed the Instagram experience. Reels dominate the algorithm and have priority in the news feed. They dampen every other content on Instagram, even IG stories and IGTV. It's no secret: if you're not doing Reels, Instagram is crushing your reach. If you are cross posting your TikToks as Reels, Instagram is crushing your reach.

Whether IG has rebounded with their teen audience, we don't know. But there's been a lot of bad press about Instagram's negative influence on teens. That led to Instagram making changes centered around the safety, mental health, and privacy of that age group. We've already seen this with Instagram changing the way they recommend content to teenagers. They also introduced the "Take a Break" feature which reminds people to get off the app if they've been scrolling for a while.


Instagram is finally throwing their creators a bone. The new updates will make earning a full-time income possible by being an influencer. This is something that we've already seen Meta offer on Facebook. On Facebook, pages have support features where you give your favorite content creators stars. This model is now coming to Instagram. This is going to level the playing field for smaller influencers who can't monetize their audiences the way a lot of the bigger names do.

Currently big-time influencers are being paid to post sponsored content by large corporations. Think Kim Kardashian posting about diet shakes. With this new subscription tier smaller influencers are able to monetize their audience directly. Their audience will pay a small fee to get exclusive content made just for them. This is going to change how influencers interact with their audiences. This will also be a good gauge of how invested that audience is in their influencer.

If you are looking to use this feature for yourself, jump in. Just make sure to do it soon. Right now, Meta let's influencers use these features for free. But there's a chance Zuckerberg will start taking his share off the top in 2023. No one knows how much they're going to take but Zuckerberg promises it won't be more than 30%.


Hopping on trends is a great way to grow your audience but you have to do it in a way that makes sense for your brand. Trends are fun and the boost in engagement and visibility is intoxicating. But spending all the time to make an interactive Reel that doesn't attract the right people is a waste of time. You want to use Instagram to attract your potential buyers, not people who only enjoy your video.

It's very easy for a brand to get a trend wrong so keep that in mind. Staying relevant is always going to be at odds with staying on brand. That's why it's important to do your market research and create content that resonates with your ideal audience.


Is it time to throw the towel in with Instagram? No! The Instagram experience is changing. This means a wider audience of people will be available on the platform. Your brand experience should enhance the Instagram experience. Once you master that, Instagram will reward you with better engagement and reach. Both are assets that you can convert with the right methods.

Live Features

Brands should focus on using more of Instagram’s features. The more features you use → the more IG likes your content → the more your content is served. A new feature Instagram will be rolling out are scheduled lives. Now this feature has already been available. There's just the added benefit of people being able to subscribe to your live event and get reminders. You can even make a post about your live event in a story. This will allow people to sign up and get reminders. Use this feature to drum up interest in a product release by letting your audience register for your live events.

Work with Creators

Something I see brands suffer from are using every IG post like an ad. Stop it, no one likes it. As a small business, work with creative Instagram accounts AKA creator accounts. They have access to the audience you want to be in front of. This is what we call influencer marketing.

Creators connect with their audiences in ways where the audience member feels like they are known and seen. That's not something easily replicated by businesses. By sponsoring a post from an influencer, you have access to that influencer’s audience. Audience members love their influencer and will buy from businesses that support them.

A great example is Jackie Aina. If you visit her account, she is very open about being a beauty influencer. She's on YouTube and she talks about it on Instagram. Her audience knows her, loves her, and supports her for this. They buy the products that she recommends and no one is upset about it. If anything, there are more posts from people happy she is sponsored than there are from people who are not.

Influencer marketing is a great tool, especially with all the Creator updates. Just remember influencers don’t guarantee sales. One common mistake that businesses make is assuming creator posts guarantee money. They do not. Working with an influencer is like any marketing budget. It might not lead to a direct sale but it will lead to a sale by name recognition, traffic to your site, and eyeballs on your offers. It’s a Top of Funnel marketing technique that you should invest in only if you have the budget.

I’d love to have you work with me one on one. If you’re ready to take your marketing to the next level and start scaling your business, apply to work with my team here.


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The Instagram Algorithm in 2022


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Stephanie Elle

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