Make $1000 A Day With This 4 Page Funnel

Everyone likes to know what to do next but most people don't read instructions. Think about it. Do you read the instructions that come with your new iPhone? Apple knows this, and that's why their instructions come in the form of pictures. They give you, quick, easy to follow pictures that tell you exactly what to do and how to do it. If you want to make sales you need to think like Apple.

First step, think of your funnel as directions to buy your product. Each page is one line of direction, targeted to get the reader to take one specific action. When you think like this each direction is the next step going deeper into the buyers’ journey and lower into you funnel. Maximize the number of people who get to the bottom of your funnel by knowing what goes into your sales funnel. There are four pages that you absolutely must have if you want people to buy your product or book your service. Here’s what you need:

Squeeze Page

This page comes first in the funnel and is the first step for the customer- the squeeze page. This page exists solely to get contact information from your website visitor so you can contact them later. People who fill out this form are either brand new to your website or you have nurtured them enough to the point where they want to sign up for your list. This is the first part in getting them to convert into a buyer.

Sales Page

Your sales page is the page where you make your offer. This page is also known as a landing page, both terms are correct. Sometimes this can be the first page of a funnel if it’s being used in an ad campaign. It can even be the first page if it’s part of an email series. Other times, your sales page is a different point of entry in the funnel but the most important thing about this page is that this is where your offer is made.

That offer can be whatever you want it to be: it can be to buy a product, book your service, or give their email for your free offer. Whatever your offer is the sales page in your funnel has to convince the reader that your offer is what will help them get the transformation they are looking for.  Make sure you use a clear call to action and have great copywriting on the page. Your copywriting is going to be vital here because you want to guide them to the action you want them to take. This is definitely where you want to invest in a copywriter or practice writing your own. Don’t forget to list the features, benefits and solutions as well.

To maximize the number of people that convert to buyers you want to design the page to eliminate distractions. That means you need to remove any action that’s not the sale. A conversion focused sales page should have the header navigation removed the footer navigation removed and any button on the page should be for the same action.

Checkout Page

There's hidden value in the checkout page that most entrepreneurs don't know about. The checkout page is traditionally used to enter payment information and use coupons codes. In the case of a free/opt-in funnel, this is where the reader confirms they want to be added to your email list. However, there's so much more to this page.

The checkout page is the perfect space to offer an upsell or related offer. If your reader hasn't joined your email list this is your opportunity to remind them. And if you want to grow your social channels you can add a reminder to follow you there as well. Your customer is already in the mood to close the deal so they are more likely to take these additional actions while they are on this page.

Start from the Beginning: What's a Funnel?

Thank You Page

The thank you page is where people expect to receive what they paid for or an order confirmation. But the thank you page also has a hidden conversion secret for entrepreneurs that want to create long term buyers.

At this point, your reader has already bought something from you or given you their email address. The first thing we learn in business is that it’s easier to sell to previous buyers than it is to sell to new buyers. And there’s no better time to ask for a repeat conversion than right after the current conversion. In addition to anything you offered on the checkout page, use the thank you page to offer upsells, cross sells, and down sells. An upsell is a more expensive offer, a cross sell is a related offer, and a down sell is a cheaper offer that adds value to the current purchase. If you don’t have any other offers, don’t worry about it. You can either create an offer or remind the reader to follow you on social media and to join your email list.

What to Offer

How you present your orders is very important. It’s one thing to list everything you have hoping they will buy. It’s a totally different thing to have specific offers that are only available if you make a purchase. Here are a few examples of what to offer on your checkout page or thank you page.

Special Discounts. Offer a coupon code that has to be used within a specific timeframe. This is great if you sell products with accessories. For example, if you sell a coffee maker, offer a coupon code for coffee or mugs that has to be used in the next 7 days. This will encourage your customer to buy with you again. This is also a perfect down sell.

Limited Offer. People buy when they can’t get what they need easily. If you have a limited time offer or limited availability offer, now is the time to offer it. A great example is if you sell courses, use the thank you page to offer your upsell. That could be a one-on-one coaching session.

Related Bonus Products. Depending on what you sell it may be a good time to offer a related product as a bonus. In the e-commerce realm, if you sell enamel pins offer tinsel or ribbon. The point here is that the tinsel isn’t available anywhere else on your website. This will motivate people to buy it now since it won’t be available later.


These are just 4 pages that you must have if you want to convert as many readers to buyers as possible. Of course, there are other pages you need to make the funnel flow. The Coin & Copy team and I would love to help you when you’re ready to build you r own funnel. When you’re ready to work with us, fill out the application here.


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Additional Reading

Stephanie Elle

Squarespace design expert. SEO specialist.

Convert More Sales!